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View Full Version : En1-43803

04-04-2013, 13:13
by Jenssen » Sun Sep 26, 2010 5:47 pm

Player 25888 - Blackfire
Player 43803 - Citron
Player 43806 - Psalm14
Psalm14 kept going on and on asbout racism after both Shalimar and I told him to stop it.
Blackfire kept pushing the issue to keep it going and then mouthed off to me as Mod to "bring it on"
Sitron decided to spam the chat at that time with Caps and useless details....

Time stamp was 19:30 hours server time 9/26/2010 if anyone wants to go scroll back and read it all...it was 15 minutes of warnings....more then enough with multiple Mods there.