Das wäre dann wohl meine Wenigkeit...
Überraschenderweise ist die Information dazu sogar noch richtig.
Type: Posts; User: One of Twelve
Das wäre dann wohl meine Wenigkeit...
Überraschenderweise ist die Information dazu sogar noch richtig.
Accounts wurden gesperrt so wie die Charaktere gelöscht.
Der Spieler M.A.C. (DE1-34338) hat in den letzten Tagen und Wochen die Chatregeln aufs äußerste strapaziert und regelmäßig übertreten.
Nachdem heute wieder Beleidigungen durch M.A.C....
EN1-79298 acquitted because EN1-79296 was inadvertently created and not actively played.
Spieler DE1-58363 hat eine FSM Botschaft verfasst welche nach Ansicht der Spielleitung eines FSM nicht angemessen ist.
Er erhält eine vierwöchige FSM Sperre.
16.08.2019 17:40 Uhr bis 13.09.2019...
Absender: [-EntroX-][Foxtrade Venture] (56500) Zeit: 25.06.2019 - 17:06
Im Kontext des SKN von []U.C.W[] Cuzcatlán (73769) möchte ich meine persönliche Meinung zu der Thematik formulieren:
Absender: []U.C.W[] Cuzcatlán (73769) Zeit: 25.06.2019 - 15:48
Der folgende Beitrag ist kein RPG. Ich bin mir bewusst, dass dieser Kanal RPG vorbehalten ist, und dieser Beitrag...
Ich habe vor wenigen Minuten 2 SKNs aus dem DE1 SKN Kanal entfernt da diese dort absolut fehl am Platz sind.
Dennoch lege ich wert darauf, dass die Kritik bzw Aussagen der Spieler weiterhin zur...
The player did not comment on the charge. Or could not refute the evidence available to the SL.
For this reason, the global account will be blocked and the corresponding characters will...
The player did not comment on the charge. Or could not refute the evidence available to the SL.
For this reason, the global account will be blocked and the corresponding characters will...
The player did not comment on the charge. Or could not refute the evidence available to the SL.
For this reason, the global account will be blocked and the corresponding characters will...
The player did not comment on the charge. Or could not refute the evidence available to the SL.
For this reason, the global account will be blocked and the corresponding characters will...
The player did not comment on the charge. Or could not refute the evidence available to the SL.
For this reason, the global account will be blocked and the corresponding characters will...
The player did not comment on the charge. Or could not refute the evidence available to the SL.
For this reason, the global account will be blocked and the corresponding characters will...
The player did not comment on the charge. Or could not refute the evidence available to the SL.
For this reason, the global account will be blocked and the corresponding characters will...
The player did not comment on the charge. Or could not refute the evidence available to the SL.
For this reason, the global account will be blocked and the corresponding characters will...
The player did not comment on the charge. Or could not refute the evidence available to the SL.
For this reason, the global account will be blocked and the corresponding characters will...
The player did not comment on the charge. Or could not refute the evidence available to the SL.
For this reason, the global account will be blocked and the corresponding characters will...
The player did not comment on the charge. Or could not refute the evidence available to the SL.
For this reason, the global account will be blocked and the corresponding characters will...
The player did not comment on the charge. Or could not refute the evidence available to the SL.
For this reason, the global account will be blocked and the corresponding characters will...
Charge of: [ADMIN] One of Twelve (DE1-72476, DE2-3999, DE3-41640, DE4-32023, EN1-76137, ES1-52505) on behalf of the game management
Charged: ES: 53720, 53996, 53236
Reason: Violation of the game...
Charge of: [ADMIN] One of Twelve (DE1-72476, DE2-3999, DE3-41640, DE4-32023, EN1-76137, ES1-52505 ) on behalf of the game management
Charged: ES: 53623, 53986, 54082
Reason: Violation of the game...
Charge of: [ADMIN] One of Twelve (DE1-72476, DE2-3999, DE3-41640, DE4-32023, EN1-76137, ES1-52505 ) on behalf of the game management
Charged: EN: 79296, 79298
Reason: Violation of the game rules...
Anklage von: [ADMIN] One of Twelve (DE1-72476, DE2-3999, DE3-41640, DE4-32023, EN1-76137, ES1-52505 ) in Vertretung der Spielleitung
Angeklagt: DE1: 70857, 73737
Grund: Verstoß gegen die...
Wird hiermit angeklagt gegen gegen §3.3 ("Beleidigungen sind verboten.") der Spielregeln verstoßen zu haben.
Der Spieler bekommt 3 Tage Spielsperre auf Bewährung....